Last week or so ago, the parents of a bride whose wedding was called off gave the reception to 200 homeless people in Atlanta. 200 homeless women, men, and children were fed a banquet like none other through the teamwork of the mother and father of the bride and Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless, an international organization with deep roots in Georgia. What an amazing gift to be able to share, for both the bride-not-to-be and the homeless to be fed on that day. Her parents are wonderful examples of people changing the world through their vision and their action. Jeremiah and Baruch from our first lesson today also make wonderful role models of people who are faithful to their vision and in their actions, despite their situations. Jeremiah is imprisoned in a city under siege by a powerful foreign army. Things are not looking good for the fate of Jerusalem or Jeremiah. Yet, God gives him a vision of the future which does not end in destruction. Jeremiah is...