
Showing posts from May, 2016

Mathematics and Religion: The Quest for Truth

I recently gave a presentation at Holy Spirit called Mathematics and Religion: The Quest for Truth which talked about the intertwined history of mathematics and religion. Most people believe that mathematics and religion are very separate things. However, in human history, they started together and they have been intertwined throughout history. All of our human quests for truth in this world sprouted from the beginnings of mathematics and religion. You can go here for  Dropbox viewing of the Mathematics and Religion presentation . 

Do you want to be made well?

Eternal God, who has made us wholly who we are, help us to see clearly where we have strayed and guide us back to your path to eternal life, through your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. Do you want to be made well? The gospel passage for the day is the story of Jesus healing a man who was sitting next to the pool of Beth-zatha, or Bethsaida as its also known as. The tradition about the pool was that it had healing properties when the water was stirred up and that the first person, or first few people in it would be healed. The tradition specifically states that an angel did the stirring up, mostly because the timing of the water's movements were said to be unpredictable. The pool was associated with one of the healing cults of the time and people who were ailing would go sit at the pool and wait for the water to be stirred up and tried to be the first in. Beth-zatha translates to house of mercy or grace. Troubled water was a sign of mercy/grace for the people who went ...