Lent 5A
How far can you journey at the moment? With everything on lock-down, we may be talking your biggest journey today is the one from the bed to the couch. Or perhaps you have gotten out for a drive or a walk in the fresh air. I've been trying to get outside for a run, walk, or bike ride everyday, which is easier some days than others. Lent can be a hard time and sometimes we forget we are on a journey especially since most of us aren't journeying anywhere right now. We are staying at home. But even at home, we are on a journey. In my house, I sometimes forget where things are because it so big, and when I walk into the rooms I don't use very often, its a whole journey of rediscovery! I find things I forgot I had. But even at home, we are on a journey. The season of Lent is always a journey. A journey through repentance, confession, reconciliation, renewal. A journey with God of self-discovery through our Lenten ...