Bishops, Priests, Deacons

In the Episcopal Church we have a structure which consists of a three fold order of ordained ministers: Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. St. John's has great familiarity with bishops and priests. In fact, most of you know our current bishop, +Sean, quite well. I am the fifteenth in St. John's line of full time priests. However, we have just recently gotten our first vocational deacon! This past Sunday, Dave Betz was ordained to the diaconate and appointed to serve St. John's.

Deacons are called to serve the church in five specific ways. They are to study the Holy Scriptures, to make Christ known through their work. They are to "interpret to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world." They are to assist during worship services, and to particularly serve the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely. (BCP 543)

Given these instructions, Deacon Dave will be taking on some new parts in our regular worship services. Specifically, at the 8 am service, Deacon Dave will be reading the Gospel, leading the Prayers of the People and the Confession, and saying the Dismissal. At the 10 am service, Deacon Dave will be reading the Gospel, leading the Prayers of the People and the Confession, setting the table and bearing Chalice, and saying the Dismissal. Deacon Dave will continue with his work with Emmaus Haven Shelter and visiting St. John's members in the hospital.

Please stay after the 10am service this Sunday as we celebrate the work that God is doing through Deacon Dave and congratulate him at the reception.

See you in church!


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