
But wait! Its not Stewardship season yet! Why are you talking about Stewardship now? Yes, typically the Stewardship season is in the fall in the church, but really, Stewardship is a year long process of discernment and giving. The call to good stewardship asks much deeper questions than how much money we are giving to the church. The call to good stewardship also encompasses how we are using our time, our talents, and all our resources, not just our money, in the service of God. Discernment in stewardship is asking these questions, are we using all our resources to their full ability in the work of God? Are we giving our time or our energy in the place where it is used in the best way? Do we have gifts we aren't using which can be shared to fulfill a need in our community?

Good stewardship practices work all through the year. Different seasons have different needs and require different resources. While we are putting together our Stewardship Committee for this  year's official stewardship campaign in the fall, it is also a good time to take a good look at our resources, both communal and personal, and see if we are using them to their abilities. Do we have room we could share? Do we have gifts we could share with the community? What needs do we see that we could fill? The call to good stewardship doesn't only happen in October, the call for good stewardship happens all year long.


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