The Way of Love


When the Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, announced the Jesus Movement emphasis on the Way of Love this summer at General Convention, I heard many comments about the Episcopal Church not needing another new tagline. The Episcopal Church is already known for some of our short and sweet taglines: "The Episcopal Church welcomes you!", "We are the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement", "The Episcopal Church: all of the fun, none of the guilt." As much as the mainline denominations in the United States are worried about decline and decay in their churches, we all know having a new tagline isn't going to save the church.

However, the introduction of the Way of Love made it clear it was not a new tagline. The Way of Love is a journey, started by God millennia ago, continued by the prophets, walked by Jesus, and carried out by the disciples and follower of Jesus throughout the centuries. The Way of Love is simply a new way of designating and structuring our understanding of what we are doing together in churches, what our lives together in community are about. The Way of Love is a way of teaching and talking through the rules of community and fellowship we have already and deepening our personal and communal commitments to following Jesus.

As we follow the Way of Love journey this Advent season, we are given new insight into the journey of faith. Each day we walk together in a pattern of ways, practicing the ongoing teaching of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit in the world. As we turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest together, we recognize that our journey towards God is most truly a journey towards and into Love. The greatest Love that has and ever will be. As we journey towards Christmas, we journey towards the miraculous gift of Love through the birth of God on Earth, Jesus. I hope you'll take some time this season to really try to wrap your mind around the sheer impossibility and yet glorious gift God gives to us in his Son Jesus.


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