Christmas Eve 2019

Greetings! Glory to God!
Merry Christmas!

I suppose I have already made some first impression on you all already
can't change it now, huh?

I thank you all for coming this evening to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity here at St. John's and Grace.
I am thrilled to be celebrating this joyous occasion with you.

We all know from life experience
that first impressions are important.
The way we greet people, 
for the first time ever, 
or for the first time in a day,
makes a huge difference in how our relationship is going to be.

If I got up here and yelled at you, 
you wouldn't feel that great about me
and our relationship would probably suffer for it.
If your spouse texted you something mean every morning without saying Good morning,
it would cause some problems in your relationship.
But when someone greets you nicely and happily
it shares the joy and makes our relationships better.

When we listened to the gospel passage for this evening just a few moments ago,
we heard how the angels greeted the shepherds.

The Angels greeted the Shepherds
in the middle of the night,
in the darkness of the night
as giant bright lights of God's glory
so bright the shepherds are startled and can't see
they can't protect their sheep from whatever is creating this light 
or anything that happens when they are blind.

I don't know about you
but anyone who wakes me up in the middle of the night
with bright lights
does not make a good impression
and isn't going to see my nice side right away.
I'm not sure who in this scenario should have been more afraid
the shepherds at the angels
or the angels for startling the shepherds,
either way, it makes for a rather terrifying first impression.

Which makes sense that the first thing the angel says is, "Do not be afraid."
Its supposed to be a phrase of comfort, 
though that probably didn't put everyone at ease right away...
you know its going to be quite the invitation when the first words are "Do not be afraid"
Have you ever been invited to an event or to do something that started with "Do not be afraid?"
Such invitations immediately sends concern racing through my heart...
what do you mean, don't be afraid?
The angels know that what is happening though,
the change in the world,
the coming of the Messiah,
is for good.
God is setting the world on fire for good.
The real announcement the angel has is of good news!

When someone wakes me up in the middle of the night
I do want to know what is going on
and who knows if I'll ever get back to sleep again anyway
So I am not at all surprised
that the shepherds leave right away
they travel to Bethlehem to see what the angels have said,
surprising as it is as well.
The Messiah has been born!
The Messiah the people have been waiting for and hoping on and dreaming of...
The Messiah who is going to change the world!
The Messiah...
wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.

Even in the first century
most newborn babies didn't hang out in mangers.
Jesus: a hipster from the beginning.

No matter how you look at the scene from the Gospel passage from Luke though
we know something special is going on.
Those shepherds definitely received a personal invitation to the birth of Jesus
Not in a silver envelope
but in person, with lights and song and a back up choir
there is no question that God was inviting those shepherds to see something amazing
God wanted them to be a part of it.

Those angels offer us the same invitation,
whether you are here because you always come to this church
or you were personally invited by someone to come to this church
or whether you are here because of a family duty to attend on this special occasion
Whether you know it or not,
God has called you into this time and space for a reason.
God wants you to be a part of the changing of the world.

each and every one of you here this evening
have been given a personal invitation
to witness the birth of the Messiah
our Savior,

Thankfully we did not receive midnight wake up calls by blinding angels,
I suppose I should check, did any of you get midnight wake up calls by blinding angels?
Because if you did, I want to hear about that! Forget the sermon, we are hearing that story!
Okay. I'll continue.

God reaches out to each of us, to give us an invitation today
to see something special
to hear something special 
to know someone special
to be present at the birth of our savior Jesus

This is the time for first impressions
his for us and us for him.
Our savior in a manger.
I'm not sure he would be on the top future CEO pick list
but then, that's not the point
The point is completely different than our images of success
the point is not conquering the world through power and military might
the point is conquering the world through love
and what better way to do that
than with a baby?

Haven't you ever noticed the immediate first impression and reaction 
when someone with a baby walks into a room?
everyone in the room immediately softens, 
there is an immediate outpouring of love
immediate baby talk and cutesy conversation.
a baby comes into a room 
and everyone is suddenly happier, warmer, and more loving.
Want to conquer the world with love?
send a baby.

I'm actually kind of surprised it took Disney so long to figure this out
and create Baby Yoda.
But talk about an immediate good reaction and love by all.
Absolutely adorable.

Our invitation to meet the baby Jesus tonight
is not simply for us to meet a baby
or for us to give a good first impression.
We are invited into a mystery as old as the universe
and better than much fine wine!
We are invited to know our God
in a very personal way,
through the man Jesus
who was both human and divine,
who came into this world to teach us about how much God loves us
and who died and destroyed death
so that in God's kingdom, we can all live forever.

We are invited every year
to something old and something quite new.
God doesn't live far and removed from us,
God doesn't disregard how we live our lives
God doesn't leave us on our own to take care of ourselves,
God is with us.
Jesus Christ
the baby born this night
the fulfillment of a promise
given by God.

Christmas is an invitation
a personalized, silver platter invitation
to you
and you
and you
and even to you all in the back
trying to hide, you have been invited too.

The creator of the universe,
God of all time and space,
wants to be in relationship with you
Because God already loves you.

Tonight is just the beginning.
The invitation
the announcement
the start of the story.

The rest of the story is written 
by you
as you live your relationship with God.

Come, let us meet Jesus Christ our Lord.



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