Dangerous Prayers

Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Proper 25 BCP 235)

Every prayer we pray is in some ways dangerous. Prayer always changes the world. Prayer changes the pray-er, the pray-ee, and the situation, even if we do not realize it. In that way, every time we pray, we are changing the world. For those fighting for the status quo, all our prayers are dangerous. This coming Sunday we will pray for God to increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity. These are especially dangerous gifts in the power structure of the world, because every act of faith, hope, or charity changes the world and realigns its trajectory towards God's justice.

Attached to the newsletter today you will find a PDF of a novena, a set of prayers for nine days, leading up to Election Day. I ask that you print it off, save it electronically, or however else you'd like to bookmark it and participate. Starting Tuesday, pray for our country and our upcoming Election. Pray for the good of all people, for the gifts of faith, hope, and charity to increase in our own hearts and in the hearts of those throughout the country. Help move the world closer to God's justice and kingdom through your dangerous world-changing prayers. Come, let us pray together. 

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