We are all on our own journey

 We are all on our own journey

It seems like a funny thing to have to say, 

but sometimes you need to remind yourself, 

we are all on our own journey. 

The rate at which I make a life change or my husband makes a life change or other people do so are all going to be different. They may make those changes faster than you or you may make them faster than them. The rate of change is not the point. Life changes through growth happens when it is necessary or intentionally sought after. Sometimes it may take a little while after learning a new fact or idea to implement it. Sometimes we learn things and we change our ways immediately. Certainly when it comes to the global climate crisis, it can take a while to synthesize the enormous amount of information out there to get down to what you can do to make a difference. 

For most of us, the areas of our lives we can make a difference for the climate crisis in are areas of comfort. Our homes, our cars, our clothes, perhaps our offices or places of employment (though depending on what kind of job you have, this might be more difficult), are all easy places for us to impact the choices made, but may be harder for us to change our comfortable habits. Making a difference in the community by participating in community initiatives, such as clean ups or new policies, may be less personal, but may be emotionally easier because you don't have to feel uncomfortable. Your journey is your journey. The fact that you are on the journey to support creation care is to be celebrated.  


Welcome to the journey. We are glad to have you along. 


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