Infinite Love

 There once was a man who was so interesting and good

that people came from all over to hear him teach
He became such a good teacher and leader that some other leaders started to be afraid
they didn't know if Jesus wanted to take their jobs

One night
Jesus was in an upper room with his friends
they were celebrating the festival which remembers the day the Israelites left Egypt and crossed the reed sea
Jesus and his friends were eating flat bread, lamb, grilled vegetables, and drinking wine

Jesus started to teach his friends
He offered them encouragement
and reminders
a summary of all that he had taught them

Jesus reminded them that the Greatest Commandments
are based in Love
Love of God
Love for ourselves
Love for others

Love. Love, love, love, love, love.

What a four letter word.

Its a complicated thing

I say this as someone who grew up in a loving family
with multiple people having mental health struggles
I say this as someone who has broken off relationships
and been broken off from.
I say this as someone who has lived her entire life as part of very different congregational communities
I say this as someone who is married
who knows the joys of sharing my life,
and the daily frustrations.

The second time I fell in love,
It was such a surprise and I fell so hard and so fast
that the next week I was on the phone with my friend KariAnn
and after saying all the typical crazy things you say when you've fallen in love,
I also said: 
Oof, I feel ten years older than last week. 

Love can give us direction and purpose
Energy and focus and something to hold on to,
And it can also increase our sense of responsibility and care for the fragile things in this world

each other
Our pets
Our land
Our world

Love is always going to be hardest thing we get to do in our lives
it keeps asking us to be open
To suffer pain
And risk 
Risk our feelings
Our money
Our time
Our lives

Love is Also the best thing we get to do in our lives
Love is
"more than feeling"
it is a promise
a loyalty
a struggle
a longing
a grace
a gift

Love is the ground of all being
everything we know in this universe
the atoms which make us up
the threads that are bound together for our clothes
the annoying pebble in your shoe
the air and water, crops and food, we breathe, drink, and eat
the pollen and cat hair which clings to everything in the spring
the oceans full of fish, plankton, whales, sharks
the forests full of lions, and tigers, and bears
the insects and arachnids
and animals we haven't figured out classifications for yet
the black holes, stars, quasars, and immense sound waves of space
All of this was created in love
immense love

I mean, how in love with creation do you have to be to create black widow spiders
that's some serious love right there

I'm going to be preaching about love my entire career, nine years already with another thirty five to go
and I'm never going to preach a sermon that fully encompasses what God's love means
that is how immense and amazing God's love for us is

In dire circumstances we might say we would be willing to die for those we love
God has done that

God came to earth as Jesus out of love for us
and because of the circumstances
died so that we might be free
free from sin, death, everything which keeps us from living with joy and peace

Jesus, our God who is love,
reminds us to reconnect with the foundation of our being
the reason and purpose we are alive
life is created for love

Of course this is the greatest commandment
without love we become dead inside
we are empty and dark and malicious
and it shows

This is where love really hits the road
love empowers us to rise again
when we get knocked down, knocked out, devastated by what is going on in our lives and in the world
love, the courage of our hearts,
is what helps us become like those magical mythical phoenixes
rising again from the ashes
we are never exactly the same as before
but we can still continue to live and breathe and work love into this world

the commandment of love is a daily practice
a habit we need to work on
kind of like eating healthily
we know it is something we should do
and it will make our lives better
but it takes time and energy and intention
and so we eat daily cheeseburgers instead of daily salads
we allow our self talk to be daily self shame instead of daily self love
we allow ourselves to forget all the hard things taking up our brain space
and judge others when they mess up
and being upset when they judge us because we know all the things going on in our lives

the commandment of love is a daily practice
it looks like saying a prayer in the morning
it looks like cleaning up our messes, whether they are spilling milk or saying something mean
it looks like allowing yourself to be happy when something silly happens
it looks like taking time to enjoy who you are and what you like to do
it looks like living out of abundance, being able to share our toys, our food, our lives, our money, our time
because love means there is always enough

Having lived in this world, Jesus knows
he knows that we internalize shame
and the only cure for shame is love
there is no shame in the presence of love
Jesus invites us to internalize love
to know the only rule we need is one of love
because from love comes grace, forgiveness, peace, joy, empathy

Listen to Jesus' teaching
Know that love is the hardest thing we get to do in this world
Loving is also the best thing we get to do in this world
start a daily practice of love
And know that you are completely unashamedly loved


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