Book Review: Radiant Rebellion: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy, And Raise A Little Hell, by Karen Walrond

This isn't a scientific book about aging.

It isn't a book about how to age well or what you should do as you are aging.

It is a book about aging into who you want to be. 

It is a book about looking into the mirror and seeing the smile on your face and light in your eyes.

Karen Walrond guides us on the journey she took leading up to her year of aging anniversaries and milestones. She explains how she took the time and space in her life to reflect on what it means to age, to acknowledge and combat internalized ageism, and to figure out who she wanted to be as she grew older. She shares some research, tips, tricks, and lessons learned from professionals and elders in her life.

As in her previous books, her conversational writing style, easy prose, and gift of storytelling makes this an interesting and engaging read. She offers thoughtful challenges to the 'normal' ways we think about age and what it means to grow older. 

Karen Walrond doesn't take the reader on this journey just for giggles. 

In the back of Radiant Rebellion is the "Guide for Creating a Radiant Rebellion Handbook." In this section of the book, Walrond helps the reader take this journey for themselves. Giving everyone an opportunity to become a rebel, a revolutionary, in their own life. In this section, Walrond empowers people to look at their internalized ageism and to be transformed by the journey. Radiant Rebellion invites everyone on the journey to have purposeful and joy-filled years of life, even after the goals of family and career have ended. 

I love a book that comes with its own workbook! 

This book is for anyone of any age that wants to fully embrace their lives, especially as they experience the adventures of growing older. 

Click here to order this book! 

*This review is shared on Goodreads.


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