Continuous Functions
In mathematics there are functions
everything has a function
despite not being as you might wish
everything has a function
the sun itself has its function
changing hydrogen to helium
providing light and heat for us to use
but there are many tunnels, with many lights
and each light can only illuminate
that which you allow yourself to see
however, the critical point is not the light
nor the seeing, nor the feeling
but the entire function
for without the sun, there would be no life.
Life, life they say
is more than the sum of its parts.
But life is not a sum, nor a series
it is a continuous ongoing experience
a function of useless carbon
Our lives are made up of the critical points
where we choose to really live
we may not see them as they fly
we may not even ever guess
as to the function defining our lives
But everyone has a light
a light with which to see the past
and fight the dark
the dark of empty loneliness
of tomorrow's dawn
And thus, life goes on
with or without us, mathematics does not care
the sun is not for us to see
[even this flashlight by which I write
cannot illuminate
that which I wish to see
for that is not its function
the only light whose function equals
that which I dare to see
is that flimsy greyness, wish,
wish, whose function is to entice
our vision from what truly is
And thus again, I say goodnight
to this critical point of life
instead of passing continuously
I have broken the bounds
that held false life
negating the flimsy greyness
of what might have been
and what might still be
changing the growing darkness
into rejoicing dawn]
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