The Low-Carb(on) Diet
I am not a fan of fad diets. Not only have they caused my family all sorts of grief over the years, they rarely are eco-friendly or people-friendly. Needless to say I have not tried the low-carb diet. Fad diets overlook the holistic approach (which can be slower) of finding your own body's natural rhythms and cycles and working with your body to achieve health instead of inflicting weight loss upon the body. Working with your own body usually involves a lot less pain, though it can take longer to figure out. However, I am starting to try the Low-Carbon diet. This diet doesn't only impact what I eat, but holistically looks at my full lifestyle. A Low-Carbon lifestyle takes into account our full carbon footprint on the Earth. Our housing, our transportation, our wastes, as well as what we eat. The first step in looking at lowering your carbon footprint is finding out what your current carbon footprint is! There are a wide range of Carbon Footprint Calculators out there. ...