An Eye-Opening Experience

O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (Third Sunday of Easter BCP 224)

The comedian Jerry Seinfeld has a comedic bit about making wide-eyed looks at dining checks. As if we couldn't guess the amount of money our meal is going to cost, so we give the check a look as if that was an unprecedented amount. He makes a series of big eyed faces which are quite amusing. For some of us who haven't been out to eat in the last year, receiving a check at the end of the meal might be an eye-opening experience anyway. Prices have changed.

We pray this coming Sunday that we may also have an eye-opening experience, not over a check, but in order to see Jesus at work in the world. So often we miss the work of God in our lives because we simply don't see it, our eyes are not open. Many times all it takes is one eye-opening experience and then we start looking around to find Jesus at work. Once we have opened our eyes, the world is transformed! God is everywhere! Jesus is doing this and Jesus is doing that! I don't know how Jesus manages so much in a day. 

Eye-opening experiences can be good, they can be hard, they can be silly, whatever it takes to get us to see the world in a new light - the light of Christ. We pray that God might give us such an experience, and as we start to venture out again to places we haven't been in a while, it may simply be seeing something old in a new way after absence. I hope and pray that God might open your eyes this week to something new and wonderful. 


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