
I have grown up in a world of synthetic materials. Plastics, synthetic fibers, polyester, nylon, acrylics, latex, Kevlar, Gore-Tex, and on and on. I was told at every turn that these were the materials of the future. And yet, as we live further into the climate crisis, it seems all the production of these synthetic materials is helping the crisis grow worse.

Now, I am no one's fashion model. I was partially happy about my chosen profession because of the fact that I had a black and white uniform I could always fall back on. When it came to clothes, I always chose what was easiest. So, when I was told over the years that fabrics made from purely natural fibers were too hard to handle, I believed them. Cotton needed ironing, wool was too itchy, linen wrinkled easily. No worries. 

I have come to realize all this was simply not true.  It may partially be that I live in Northwestern Pennsylvania, but in the last year, I have been fully living into the wool, especially merino wool, craze. Wool& for dresses, Darn Tough and Bombas for socks, Smartwool for underwear and leggings. I have been really impressed by the way they have made wool comfortable, sustainable, good for all seasons, and fashionable (despite this never being something I care about!) I even considered doing the Wool& 100 Day Challenge! 

How we choose our clothing? Considering what has gone into our clothing, makes a big impact on our environment. Don't take my word for it, take a look yourself! 


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