Day Thirteen - Wool Challenge


Rocking the headphones today! 
Finding joy in the little things!

Despite our human obsessions with destruction and suffering, I firmly believe that God created us for joy. God created the universe and everything in it and found it to be good. God found joy in us and we can find joy in the world. Some days it is a struggle to find that joy, but when we do, we are able to continue sharing God's light in beautiful ways despite the destruction and suffering. 

Personally, I know how much joy means to me in my line of work. Throughout the last seven years of ordained ministry I have been faced with a lot of really hard situations and really depressing and destructive behavior. Yet, I also find tremendous joy in my work. People find God and hope and love and peace and those are amazing things. Despite all the despair I sometimes feel, I also feel the joy of God's light in this world. This is what keeps me going. 
@ValarieKaur #lightmakerbook #keepmakinglight


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