God's Path

O God, because without you we are not able to please you, mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (Proper 19 BCP 233)

Every year's Rally Day is different. Three years ago, we had to bring the Dino Bounce House inside the Parish Hall because of rainy weather. Two years ago, we had a hot dog luncheon on the front lawn. Last year, we had a guest pastor outside because of the pandemic. This year we will also have a guest priest with us, and we will learn more about the season of transition which is upon us. 

Transition always brings out a lot of emotions in community. We know this is not new to society today, we have plenty of stories from history and the Bible which show groups of believers struggling and trusting during major transitions. They are our inspiration and guide. They prayed to God, they put their trust in God, and they listened in discernment for what God was saying in order to move forward. 

When we work together and stick with our values, when we walk the path of Jesus together, we can find the goodness God has in store for us. No matter how many twists and turns our path may take, no matter how many confusing starts and stops, when we pray, trust, and listen, God will guide us. I hope you will participate in our Rally Day services this weekend and learn more about the path St. John's is walking during this season. 


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