Stewardship Questions and Answers, Part 4

What can we give to the church in addition to money?
The church is always in need of volunteers throughout the year. Giving of your time and talent are welcome additions to gifts of money. Talking to the priest is one way to find a suitable way your time and talents can gifts to St. John’s.

Does tithing include giving to all charities, or only to the church?
Traditionally, a tithe is specifically money given to the church. Giving to other charities is commendable and important; however it does not count as part of a tithe.

Does it count toward our giving if we give to non-church groups (secular or religious)?
Giving to other organizations counts as giving back to the community and to God. However, it does not count as giving to the church. It is a distinction made for financial reasons only.

What is storehouse tithing?
Storehouse tithing is a reference to the Old Testament idea of bringing the first ten percent of your crop to the storehouse (the temple/priest). (Malachi 3: 9-10) Storehouse tithing means that even if you are giving to other organizations, ten percent (a tithe) goes to the church.

Where does the money go? What is our money used for?
The money donated to St. John’s is used to run the facilities, pay the staff, put on the events and programs, give back to the community, share with the Diocesan community, and invest in our future.

Why do we need to send so much money to the Diocese?

The Diocesan Assessment enables us to participate equally in the life and mission of the Diocese, and supports the work of the Bishop and diocesan staff. The Assessment also helps to support other churches in the diocese and the diocesan outreach. The Assessment is based on a percentage of our total budgeted income for the year. Each church is assigned a certain percentage bracket based on our financial means and sustainability.


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