Breath Prayer

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

How can we possibly follow Paul's suggestion to pray without ceasing? Typically there are only two things we human beings do without ceasing, our hearts keep pumping blood and our lungs keep breathing air. Early in Christian history followers of Jesus put together this injunction to pray without ceasing with the unceasing nature of breathing and started the tradition of Breath Prayer. Very similar to some eastern breathing prayers and exercises, Breath Prayer focuses on your own breathing.

To practice Breath Prayer, choose a quiet spot to sit or kneel comfortably and a phrase to repeat. Many people use the Jesus Prayer while practicing Breath Prayer, although there are many other good phrases or prayers that could be used. A good prayer for Breath Prayer is made up of two parts, one to be said while breathing in, and the second to be said while breathing out. In this way, breathing in and breathing out, you repeat the prayer phrase over and over again, letting go of other thoughts and allowing your body and heart to pray.

Breath Prayer is a wonderful practice to bring you back into mindfulness of the present moment and the presence of God in your life. While it is nice to practice it in a quiet space, Breath Prayer is a portable practice, available while you're stuck in traffic, while you're in waiting rooms, or even while waiting in line at the grocery store. Taking a moment to focus on this unceasing habit of your body, breathing, reminds us of the unceasing love of God for us. Just as your lungs keep working throughout the day, Breath Prayer can work with you and through you throughout the day, keeping your heart close to Jesus.


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