Care of the Earth

"The sea is his for he made it, and his hands have molded the dry land." Psalm 95:5

All the way at the beginning of the Bible, at the very start of Genesis, God lays out how human beings are supposed to be in relationship with the earth. God asks the first human beings to care for creation and to be good stewards of it. We are not simply in charge of everything around us, able to do as we please in our environment. We are to care for it and treat it well, in order that it may flourish and might be passed along to the next generations.

In today's society, taking care of the Earth is seen as only something certain kinds of people do. However, taking care of our environments is not simply an environmental issue, but also a justice issue. Many times when the environment is not taken care of, it is in areas that greatly affect and damage the poor and needy, those who are already struggling.

Currently St. John's and Grace have two opportunities for you to help in caring for creation. We have adopted a stretch of 417 which we clean up a couple times a year. We pick up all the litter along the side of the road, to help protect the land, grass, trees, and water along 417. We also have recycling bins throughout the Parish Hall for recycling plastic and cardboard which helps keep those items out of landfills. There are many other ways we at St. John's can help care for creation, on our own and as a community. We can teach our children and grandchildren to garden, how to conserve energy, how to choose products which are not full of harmful chemicals, and how to recycle and share our personal goods. Jesus calls each of us to care for the world around us, including the dirt, rocks, trees, and rivers.


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