The Belt of Truth and the Pants of Patience

This past Sunday, the Epistle reading in the Revised Common Lectionary was from the book of Ephesians, Ephesians 6:10-20. Since this passage is paired with the Bread of Life discourse from the gospel of John, the number of times one preaches on it is few and far between. This passage is rather well known for a passage from Ephesians, because it talks about putting on the armor of God. The author of the passage outlines some items of clothing which followers of Jesus should put on in order to fight against the spiritual forces of evil in this world.

Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Shoes of Peace
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit

It sounds lovely. But there are a few things I noticed about this passage this past week. While there are some very good reasons for the pieces of clothing mentioned, I realized that if I drew a diagram of the armor of God, it leaves some portions of my body rather uncovered. It also leaves out a few aspects of the faith I would really love to have with me when dealing with the world, especially any forces of evil.

So in an exercise of imagination, I thought I would fill out the outfit to fill in some of the gaps and bring in some other aspects of the faith that might be helpful in dealing with the world.

Underwear of Kindness
Pants of Patience
Socks of Joy
Shirt of Self Control
Cape of Love

Now, we are properly covered and protected!
And looking extremely awesome.
(Did I mention the cape?)

Naturally, taking peace with you every where you go or being wrapped in truth are strong Christian practices. However, even closer than our belts, we need to be kind, both to ourselves and to those around us. I imagine the Pants of Patience being the comfortable pants you have which also make you feel good (a rare find indeed), which remind us to remain patient in every situation, relying on God's time and not trying to force our own. With the Shoes of Peace, I think we need to wear Socks of Joy, that way we can sustain and share God's Peace. The Shirt of Self Control goes under the Breastplate of Righteousness, keeping us in line so that we can shine with righteousness. And of course, the most epic piece of any well armored soldier, the continually in the way, yet awesome looking Cape. God's love is like that, confusing our normal everyday notions of who is in and who is out, flying around us without control, and yet the most amazing gift we will ever receive.

Fully clothed in God's gifts of grace, we can face any situation throughout our days. From spilled coffee, to sick children, to angry bosses, God goes with us.


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