Repentance takes Time and Tending
February 28th
Luke 13:1-9
Heavenly Father, who tends us as a gardener tending his flowers, help us to recognize
the time and tending that you have given us to heal, repent, and grow into the fullness
of who you are calling us to be, through your Word, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the
power of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
The Greek Philosopher Epictetus said, “No greater thing is created suddenly, any more
than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that
there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.”
In the first part of the gospel passage today, the people listening to Jesus,
including us are given a charge: Repent. It's an unsurprising charge for us, there
is precedent after all, years of prophets, John the Baptist calling out, the tradition
of repentance and penance of Lent. We are called over and over again to
repentance, but it seems that we keep needing the reminder. Perhaps we just
aren't that good at changing our habits.
Those asking him what the people who were killed did was a question of self
preservation. What did they do that they deserved what happened and how can
we avoid it? Jesus tells them that what happened to them wasn't their fault, but
he continues with the charge to repent, to turn around, to return to God. Because
when you're in a deep relationship with God, you aren't worried about self
preservation. Jesus tells them multiple times to repent.
Luckily Jesus doesn't only call for repentance. He also answers the unasked
question of how to repent. Jesus answers this unasked question in the parable
that follows his call for repentance. As a good joke ends with the punch line, this
parable ends with the important line, (Luke 13:9) “[The gardener] replied, 'Sir, let
it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears
fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.'" The gardener in
the parable suggests two things for this fig tree that is not in a good relationship
with the owner: time and tending.
I think Jesus answers the question of how do we repent and return to God
through this parable by telling us that repentance takes time and tending.
Repentance takes time to confess what has gone wrong and to make amends.
Confession and reconciliation is a process and not just a one-time thing. This is
part of the reason we make confession and absolution a regular part of our
communal worship. Part of the reason is certainly that we keep making mistakes
over and over again and we need to confess them over and over again, but
sometimes we need to confess the same sin multiple times before we are able to
make any changes. To repent means to turn around, but when we turn around,
we still have to move in the other direction. We can turn around all we like, but if
we don't move forward, we are in the same spot that we were before. If you've
ever been driving somewhere and made a wrong turn, you know this well. When
you have gone down a wrong road, you have to turn around and go back. Just
because you've realized you made a wrong turn and turned around doesn't mean
you are back where you made the mistake. And all that turning around and
driving back to where you messed up takes time. Repentance takes time. It
doesn't happen automatically even if we want it to. It takes time to recover what
was lost in the wrong direction.
This is part of the reason we have the season of Lent. There are many reasons for
this season, but one of the very well known facts about human beings is that we
know it takes time for us to change our habits, to rebuild relationships that have
gone awry. Part of our Lent tradition and practice in the church is to give
something up or take something on to bring us closer to God and we know, even
if we don't always want to admit it, that in order for us to learn from our
experience we have to have time for it to sink in. Lent is a season of penance
because penance truly is in some ways a wonderful thing. Penance, the work of
repenting, confessing, and doing works to rebuild what we have messed up moves
us beyond confession. Penance is what moves us forward to renewed
relationships once we have turned around. And while this takes time, and we
have given ourselves 40 days of Lent for this time, it also takes some serious
tending. We say that time heals all wounds, but I say, time heals all wounds only
if they are tended because otherwise they fester, and that is not what we want.
The gardener in Jesus' parable today doesn't just suggest another year of time to
wait for the fig tree to produce fruit. No, the gardener also suggests some serious
work and effort on his part in tending the tree. He plans on digging around the
tree and adding manure to fertilize and give the tree nutrients. But if you've ever
done any gardening at all, you know that this takes some muscle work, some
elbow grease. You have to haul the manure or fertilizer and it doesn't smell pretty
and you have to dig in the soil. The process takes time, yes, but it also takes the
work and effort of tending.
For us, there are many ways in which we have to tend ourselves in order to repent
and return to God. We have to put work and effort, elbow grease, into rebuilding
our relationships. As Josh called us to clean out our closets, physical and spiritual
and emotional, on Ash Wednesday, we have to put in the work of sorting through
everything that has piled up in those closets. It's not enough to take everything
out and leave it lying all over the room. We have to sort through it, figure out
what we actually need, or want, figure out what can be thrown out or recycled or
if someone else we knows needs it.
Thankfully for us, God does most of our tending for us. He gives us everything we
need around us to grow. God gives us the fertilizer, and some of it stinks just as
much as manure, that gives us the nutrients we need. God makes sure that it
rains on us and water us. God makes sure that we get the sunlight we need to
blossom and grow. But as much as that gardener in the parable acknowledges,
even with all of the right time and tending, the tree still may not grow. The tree
may not take in any of the nutrients it needs, even though they have been given.
Even though God tends us and gives us everything we need to grow and bear
fruit, we may decide not to take any of it in. We may decide not to grow or bear
fruit. God gives us that choice as well. All the while, God waits and tends us.
God is patient. God gives us the tending, the pruning, the time, the grace, to
repent, to return, to grow, to clean out our closets, to drive back the way we went
in the wrong direction. God is patient, giving us the time to work through
confession and reconciliation, forgiving us at every turn.
Gracefully, God will wait a long time, but our hope is that the waiting and tending
doesn't last forever. There comes a time when the fig tree blooms and Lent erupts into
Easter. When the closet will be clean, when broken relationships have healed, and if we
have taken in all the time and tending we need, we will be able to rejoice, eat our figs,
enjoy our renewed relationships, show off our clean closets, and celebrate the joy of
knowing God's love for us.
God is patient and gives us all we need and for this we say thanks be to God!
Luke 13:1-9
Heavenly Father, who tends us as a gardener tending his flowers, help us to recognize
the time and tending that you have given us to heal, repent, and grow into the fullness
of who you are calling us to be, through your Word, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the
power of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
The Greek Philosopher Epictetus said, “No greater thing is created suddenly, any more
than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that
there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.”
In the first part of the gospel passage today, the people listening to Jesus,
including us are given a charge: Repent. It's an unsurprising charge for us, there
is precedent after all, years of prophets, John the Baptist calling out, the tradition
of repentance and penance of Lent. We are called over and over again to
repentance, but it seems that we keep needing the reminder. Perhaps we just
aren't that good at changing our habits.
Those asking him what the people who were killed did was a question of self
preservation. What did they do that they deserved what happened and how can
we avoid it? Jesus tells them that what happened to them wasn't their fault, but
he continues with the charge to repent, to turn around, to return to God. Because
when you're in a deep relationship with God, you aren't worried about self
preservation. Jesus tells them multiple times to repent.
Luckily Jesus doesn't only call for repentance. He also answers the unasked
question of how to repent. Jesus answers this unasked question in the parable
that follows his call for repentance. As a good joke ends with the punch line, this
parable ends with the important line, (Luke 13:9) “[The gardener] replied, 'Sir, let
it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears
fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.'" The gardener in
the parable suggests two things for this fig tree that is not in a good relationship
with the owner: time and tending.
I think Jesus answers the question of how do we repent and return to God
through this parable by telling us that repentance takes time and tending.
Repentance takes time to confess what has gone wrong and to make amends.
Confession and reconciliation is a process and not just a one-time thing. This is
part of the reason we make confession and absolution a regular part of our
communal worship. Part of the reason is certainly that we keep making mistakes
over and over again and we need to confess them over and over again, but
sometimes we need to confess the same sin multiple times before we are able to
make any changes. To repent means to turn around, but when we turn around,
we still have to move in the other direction. We can turn around all we like, but if
we don't move forward, we are in the same spot that we were before. If you've
ever been driving somewhere and made a wrong turn, you know this well. When
you have gone down a wrong road, you have to turn around and go back. Just
because you've realized you made a wrong turn and turned around doesn't mean
you are back where you made the mistake. And all that turning around and
driving back to where you messed up takes time. Repentance takes time. It
doesn't happen automatically even if we want it to. It takes time to recover what
was lost in the wrong direction.
This is part of the reason we have the season of Lent. There are many reasons for
this season, but one of the very well known facts about human beings is that we
know it takes time for us to change our habits, to rebuild relationships that have
gone awry. Part of our Lent tradition and practice in the church is to give
something up or take something on to bring us closer to God and we know, even
if we don't always want to admit it, that in order for us to learn from our
experience we have to have time for it to sink in. Lent is a season of penance
because penance truly is in some ways a wonderful thing. Penance, the work of
repenting, confessing, and doing works to rebuild what we have messed up moves
us beyond confession. Penance is what moves us forward to renewed
relationships once we have turned around. And while this takes time, and we
have given ourselves 40 days of Lent for this time, it also takes some serious
tending. We say that time heals all wounds, but I say, time heals all wounds only
if they are tended because otherwise they fester, and that is not what we want.
The gardener in Jesus' parable today doesn't just suggest another year of time to
wait for the fig tree to produce fruit. No, the gardener also suggests some serious
work and effort on his part in tending the tree. He plans on digging around the
tree and adding manure to fertilize and give the tree nutrients. But if you've ever
done any gardening at all, you know that this takes some muscle work, some
elbow grease. You have to haul the manure or fertilizer and it doesn't smell pretty
and you have to dig in the soil. The process takes time, yes, but it also takes the
work and effort of tending.
For us, there are many ways in which we have to tend ourselves in order to repent
and return to God. We have to put work and effort, elbow grease, into rebuilding
our relationships. As Josh called us to clean out our closets, physical and spiritual
and emotional, on Ash Wednesday, we have to put in the work of sorting through
everything that has piled up in those closets. It's not enough to take everything
out and leave it lying all over the room. We have to sort through it, figure out
what we actually need, or want, figure out what can be thrown out or recycled or
if someone else we knows needs it.
Thankfully for us, God does most of our tending for us. He gives us everything we
need around us to grow. God gives us the fertilizer, and some of it stinks just as
much as manure, that gives us the nutrients we need. God makes sure that it
rains on us and water us. God makes sure that we get the sunlight we need to
blossom and grow. But as much as that gardener in the parable acknowledges,
even with all of the right time and tending, the tree still may not grow. The tree
may not take in any of the nutrients it needs, even though they have been given.
Even though God tends us and gives us everything we need to grow and bear
fruit, we may decide not to take any of it in. We may decide not to grow or bear
fruit. God gives us that choice as well. All the while, God waits and tends us.
God is patient. God gives us the tending, the pruning, the time, the grace, to
repent, to return, to grow, to clean out our closets, to drive back the way we went
in the wrong direction. God is patient, giving us the time to work through
confession and reconciliation, forgiving us at every turn.
Gracefully, God will wait a long time, but our hope is that the waiting and tending
doesn't last forever. There comes a time when the fig tree blooms and Lent erupts into
Easter. When the closet will be clean, when broken relationships have healed, and if we
have taken in all the time and tending we need, we will be able to rejoice, eat our figs,
enjoy our renewed relationships, show off our clean closets, and celebrate the joy of
knowing God's love for us.
God is patient and gives us all we need and for this we say thanks be to God!
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