50 Acts of Green: Day Forty Five - Educate!

Not every act of green makes an impact right away. Some acts take longer to come to fruition than others. Specifically I think of this act of green I have been doing for the last forty five days, posting about caring for creation. Championing the cause of caring for the Earth is in itself an act of green. Educating others and sharing your passion helps others understand and move forward on their own journey of caring for our planet. Only together can we bring the Earth back into a sustainable pattern. However, since so many people do not think about creation or their environmental impact on a daily basis, it takes education on the part of those who do in order to spread the word. 

This may be a beginning for you. You may have only made one change in your life towards helping the environment. Yet, when you share that change with others and how it has impacted you, you can help others make changes in their lives as well. Together we can spread the word and help creation recover from our messes. I have been sharing my passion and education about what makes an environmental impact in the last forty five days. How can you share one thing today which will help spread the word?

One small act of green, awareness raise and unity created!


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