50 Acts of Green: Day Twenty Four - Popcorn!

I have never met a bowl of popcorn I couldn't eat.
(Depending on the flavoring, of course.)

Having a large appetite for popcorn runs in the family. We love popcorn. I try not to make it too often because then popcorn would make up all the calorie intake I should have for the day. And I really am trying to have good diversity and healthy food habits.

In the list of never-ending paradoxes of surprises, meaning things that both surprise and don't surprise me at the same time, are popcorn bags. Popcorn bags were born out of convenience. Popcorn kernels are so easily bought in bulk in ways that are very environmentally friendly. Cooking popcorn on the stove with a little oil and salt uses less oil and no additives, and really is pretty easy to begin with. However, in the craze for convenience, someone created microwavable popcorn bags. Yet, most popcorn bags include harmful chemicals, not only for the environment, but also for you! Because the bags have extra chemicals for being grease-proof, they are also unable to be recycled. Popcorn bags are simply more trash.

So pop your corn on the stove top! Its as easy as heating a pot with a little bit of oil and salt on your stove top, pouring the kernels in, putting the lid on, and swirling the pot around until the popping dies down. Then dump the popcorn in a bowl, flavor as you wish, and enjoy! No trash, no harmful chemicals. Even better, you get to pick your own flavorings! If you like weird combinations, here is your chance to try them all!

One small act of green, cutting down on trash and chemicals! 


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