50 Acts of Green: Day Forty Two - Bamboo

In learning about how to be more environmentally friendly, I have learned a lot about new materials and new ways of recycling old materials. There are wonderful companies out there creating products and processes from recycled plastic and paper and metal and glass. A new material I have learned a huge amount about in the last year or so is Bamboo. 

Bamboo is a wonder plant. It grows so fast, you can literally watch it grow. It has strong roots and is naturally renewable, because it will regrow from the base when you cut the rest of it off. It has a special anti-bacterial agent which makes it helpful when making into kitchen utensils. It is strong and a lovely carbon sink since it takes in a lot of carbon dioxide and creates lots of oxygen. You can build everything from knitting needles to kitchen utensils to houses with it. It can be very sustainably grown and harvested and used, which makes it extremely environmentally friendly. 

Since learning about the properties of bamboo, I have been starting to look for products made with environmentally friendly bamboo. I now have bamboo knitting needles, kitchen utensils, and even a bamboo toothbrush. I am looking forward to what else I can buy in the future in bamboo to help the environment.

One small act of green, forests, plastic, and landfill waste saved!


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