50 Acts of Green: Day Forty - Quality

In doing this 50 Acts of Green Challenge, I have learned a quite a few things. Many things I have already shared, facts about what it takes to produce many of the products we use on a daily basis and how much water is really used for normal everyday activities. One of the things I have realized is that being environmentally friendly takes an attitude of being intentional and slowing down to notice small things. I know that because I have started to hang dry a lot of my clothing, my laundry process takes longer and takes more time and effort from me. I have also come to realize I have stayed on top of my laundry better and that I don't despise it as much as I used to now. In getting to know a lot of the companies I buy from better, I feel more informed and feel more trusting of the products I use in my house. Its amazing what doing a small act for the world each day can do.

Today's tip is to buy quality items which will last. This goes with Tuesday's topic of buying from environmentally friendly companies. Buying quality made products is one of those intentional acts which will save you money in the long run, but can cost more upfront. If you buy cheap sneakers but you have to keep buying them because they wear out, it actually costs less to buy the more expensive but higher quality sneakers in the long run. This is another area where doing your research upfront can help. It takes a little longer to research the companies and how long they think (or their reviewers say) their products will last, but it can not only save you money, it will also save the planet from landfill waste. 

So take a couple extra minutes to do some research when you start thinking about what you want to buy. See who sells quality products. It will only take a few extra minutes, but it can save you money and the environment waste in the long run.

One small act of green, landfill space saved!


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