50 Acts of Green: Day Twenty Six - Water Bottles

The ironic thing about pictures like these is that those bottles were specifically designed to hold water, not float in the ocean water. 

Today's subject might be one that everyone knows the dangers of, yet we still continue to do.
Use plastic single use water bottles.
I don't understand the train wreck of humanity sometimes.
We know it is bad for the environment, yet we continue to do it anyway. This study says there is more than 250,000 tons of plastic floating in the ocean. Alone! The study doesn't take into account the thousands of tons of plastic, bottles, candy wrappers, etc., which are littering road sides throughout the populated world. The amount of plastic pollution is abominable.

There are plenty of alternatives for plastic water bottles. Reusable water bottles in magnanimous variety are available, water filters of all sorts are available, even refrigerators with filters are available and cut down on plastic water bottle usage. Pretty much everyone I know owns cups or glasses, or mason jars. Put them to use! Save the world from tons of plastic garbage! Refuse to use plastic water bottles!

One small act of green, one huge step in combating plastic garbage.


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